Funny Halloween Jokes

Clean Air on Halloween

Why is the air so clean and healthy on Halloween?

Little Johnny – Because so many witches are sweeping the sky.

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Funny Halloween Short Jokes

Q. What do witches use in their hair?
A. scare-spray

Q. Where do most goblins live?
A. in North and South Scarolina.

Q. What do you call a little monsters parents
A. mummy and deady

Q. Why did the skeleton go disco dancing?
A. to see the boogy man.

Q. Who was the most famous French skeleton?
A. Napoleon bone-apart

Q. Which building does Dracula visit in New York?
A. The Vampire State Building.

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Halloween Party

A boy went to a Halloween party with a sheet over his head. “Are you here as a ghost?” asked his friends. “No,” he replied, “I’m an unmade bed.” Another boy wore a sheet over his head. “Are you an unmade bed?” asked his friends. “No, I’m an undercover agent,” he replied

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Halloween Party

A patient goes to doctor and says, “Doctor, doctor, I’m so ugly. What can I do about it?”

Doctor replies candidly,” Hire yourself out for Halloween parties.”

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