Short Funny Jokes

Can you name a bear with no socks?

Can you name a bear with no socks?

A bare-foot!

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Can a leopard hide anywhere?

Can a leopard hide anywhere?

No, he is always spotted!

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What could be a computer’s favorite dance item?

What could be a computer’s favorite dance item?

Disk – o!

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How can you make number seven to an even number?

How can you make number seven to an even number?

Just take the “s” out from it!

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In which bank Dracula like to save money?

In which bank Dracula like to save money?

In a blood bank!

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Which is the flower on face?

Which is the flower on face?

Tu – lips!

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How do the prisoners communicate with each other?

How do the prisoners communicate with each other?

Through cell phones!

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What type of waves are there in small beaches?

What type of waves are there in small beaches?


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Which is the place pencils like to go for a vacation?

Which is the place pencils like to go for a vacation?

Pencil – vania!

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Which is the way chosen by crazy people?

Which is the way chosen by crazy people?

The psycho path!

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How can you make a golden soup?

How can you make a golden soup?

Just add 24 carrots to the soup!

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Why are you so opposite to me?

Why are you so opposite to me?

When i say tea,u say coffee!

I say white,u say black!

I went to dental hospital,u went to mental hospital!

I came back and u still there!

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Pappu and Pinky were arguing over the breakfast table.

Pappu and Pinky were arguing over the breakfast table.

“You’re so stupid,” said Pappu.

“That’s enough” said their dad. “Pappu, say sorry to Pinky”, added

Pappu: I’m sorry you’re so stupid!

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Always have a

Always have a




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Man: I could go to the end of the world for you.
Woman: Yes, but would you stay there?

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Man: I offer you myself.
Woman: I am sorry I never accept cheap gifts.

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Man: I want to share everything with you.
Woman: Let’s start from your bank account.

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Teacher: Why are you late?
Student: There was a man who lost a hundred dollar bill.
Teacher: That’s nice. Were you helping him look for it?
Student: No. I was standing on it.

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Do you believe in God?

Goldfish 1: Do you believe in God?
Goldfish 2: Of course, I do! Who do you think changes the water?

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A: Hey, man! Please call me a taxi.

A: Hey, man! Please call me a taxi.
B: Yes, sir. You are a taxi.

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